Thursday, September 27, 2012


September Heights- Day 28, P#187- Waltz

To the dance lovers

Dancing the Waltz is sheer fun

I love Zapin more

With Grace and  beauty

Reflects the lively culture 

Which resides in me

Zapin is not easy

Just like Waltz, one must practice

The thrill is many

I simply enjoy the Zapin steps and the music that goes with it,especially if the composer is Pak Ngah, who is the arranger of Siti Nurhaliza's traditional Malay numbers.


kaykuala said...

Dear Hal,
I like the zapin too. There is a certain rentak and you raise one foot and continue again. That's right!
Am I glad! You had faithfully posted that many (I think you only missed 1) Only 2 more days left,'battlefield' and 'free' Great!


abdulhalimshah said...

Oh, you already know the prompts. I better think what to write now,so that I can have a free weekend!