Saturday, August 16, 2008

My Rasah Clan

People thought only the Malaysian Chinese are fond of forming Clan Associations in order to look after the welfare of their members. The Malays at one time thought UMNO was their saviour until of late. Actually PAS was a breakaway branch of disgruntled ex-UMNO members who felt that those from the Sekolah Pondok were being sidelined by the Tunku. Well, I am proud of my heritage from both sides of the divide, namely my father's roots from Riau and my mother's side from the original tribe of " Biduanda" suku in the Nine States. When I asked my venerable late Grandma of a loud lady, she unwittingly said that her "biduanda" clan originated from original tribe who inhabited the Nine States before the entry of the waris suku Minagkabau from Sumatra came on our shores. So in fact, the other suku or clan were actually "Pendatang" so to speak.No wonder when I lived in Pekan Rembau in 1957, my neighbour who later became an academic told me that my suku qualify me to be an "Undang" or the Four Lawgivers, who in turn elect the Yam-Tuan or the Ruler. Unlike other states in Peninsular M'sia, only N9 practice the true meaning of democracy since time immemorial. Well, my Rasah roots is more colorful because Fakeh Muhammad Saleh a.k.a. Tuanku Tambusai is Indonesia's Nationa Hero. It was only conferred to him at the turn of the last century by the Govt of The Indonesian republic. Now my Rasah Clan forms the backbone of BERKAT which stands for " Badan Rumpun Keturunan Tuanku Tambusai". Recently we had a meeting on 10 August and for me it was truly satisfying. If only the Central Governing Body or the Majlis Lembaga Rumpun could be conducted in the same manner, I would still continue as President. But once I have made up my mind, I shall not backtrack unless it's a matter of life and death. My Rasah Clan of which I am the "Ketua Waris" is of the opinion that we could go it alone if needs be, but for the time being we have not reached that point yet. We still abide by the kindred spirit. But if I think to carry on as of today for the Governing Council, we shall be dragged to the centre of the whirlpool and be drowned altogether. I don't think that's wise. So before we could disintegrate, we might as part ways, for a temporary period say for three terms of twelve years. If and when the Setapak Branch can pull themselves together, we just continue without their participation, and be rid of the bad rubbish.Well, my Waris Rasah, what say you?


kaykuala said...

I see a lot of changes to your format lately.It is more attractive and colourful with slides and all (not forgetting putting me on your Blog list)It gives me some ideas.Cheers!

abdulhalimshah said...

Dear Hank,
Thanks for the compliment. If you want to ask people to visit, you must decorate your window too. Otherwise the old drapes will only attract cockroaches!!

Anonymous said...

Is hamonangan harahap was a tuanku tambusai . I confuse..