Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ramadhan's Blessing for me.

It is common knowledge that Ramadhan is the most Blessed month in the Muslim calendar as evidenced by the extraordinary rewards and bounty promised by Allah for the faithfuls in the Hereafter. But for me the proof of that Blessing is that I am able to regain my sleeping pattern which had been upset for a couple of months.
                       This is not my first bout of insomnia, but if my memory is correct, this is my third. But somehow I had been able to recover from it not by medication but more on the supplication to Allah's Mercies and Compassion through prayers and consistently reciting the verses which the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) taught to the Companions who suffered from the same problem. Thus it my living experience of welcoming Ramadhan by being back on track and now to do the utmost for the Qiam (night prayers) which should gain momentum at the last ten nights of Ramadhan where the faithfuls look forward to meet the night of Al-Qadar which is better than a thousand months or its equivalent of approximately 82 years.


kaykuala said...

Dear Hal,
Alhamdulillah! This one piece of good news is of significance to me! One you are now cured and two it is also a guide to me of the strength of faith on what one can do to alter some ailments through positive reckonings. Thanks for sharing!


abdulhalimshah said...

Dear Hank,
As I mentioned to you during our trip to visit Md. Noor Gear, we are continuously being tested as long as we breathe and only then we are true to our declaration that we are amongst the Faithful. Subhanallah, we are only mortals and we completely submit to His Will.

Ghab said...

I just bumped into your blog with no collision but with much appreciation and gratitude, Syukur Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah.

As your words of wisdom circulate; that we should magnify Allah for having guided us and we will be blessed, it reminds me of the constant advised from my late father, 'jangan lupa solat' dan,'jangan lupa Allah'

To you and your family selamat berpuasa. Stay writing and be a father to all of us.

abdulhalimshah said...

Alhamdulillah Ghab. It is Allah's Will that you bumped into my blog, for nothing happens without Allah's Guidance and I am always in supplication for the Taufiq and Hidayah from Allah because the reason for our existence is to be His Servant, to do as what is Commanded and refrain from what is Forbidden. It sounds easy but very difficult to do. May we be given the strength and will-power to remember Allah always by performing our obligatory daily Solat and Amar Makruf Nahi Mungkar.

Al-Manar said...


At our age, more so for me, we have to face numerous possibilties, welcome or otherwise. That we still have today is above eeverthing.

I hope you and family are all doing fine, looking forwards to a another good Hari Raya. And may HE grand us yet another and another after this this.

abdulhalimshah said...

Dear PakCik,
I fully endorse your thoughts. We are only human and our journey in this world is only transient. May we see another Ramadhan in 1435H. InshaAllah. May we welcome Eidhilfitri 1434H soon.