I am proud of the crest which symbolises the institution which shaped my formative years and instilled in me the meaning of discipline, honour, integrity and honesty, all attributes of good upbringing and sound character. Perhaps the so-called paragon of virtues had been cultivated by my father and mother, my early teachers in Malay School Rasah right through KGV Seremban, but the final grooming was done in those four crucial years where the pain, anguish and suffering were the ingredients that separated the men from the boys.
Yesterday I came across the news of the death of one new boy who was ragged by his seniors that ended in his demise. Now it has become a police case and investigations is under way. This is indeed a black chapter in the history of my Alma mater which I left nearly half a century ago. As an OP, the name given to members of the Old Putera Association, we carry with it a certain responsibility and dignity, that we must uphold the values imbued in many ex-Budak boys that we serve to lead, in keeping with our motto. But just like what is happening around us after 50 years of Merdeka, the reputation of my Alma mater has seen better times.
I wanted my son to follow my footsteps by applying to join the RMC after his PMR but fortunately I was dissuaded by another OP who was then in the exco of the RMC Parent-Teachers Association. I did not know the rhyme or reason for his advice but one word remained in my memory bank. He said then the leadership of the institution was falling below our expectations. To me it was a sad state of affairs because I had gone through its portals and was convinced that it was the home of future leaders.
Now the process of decline is being arrested where the OPA was involved in charting its future direction but alas this had to happen. I wish the RMC the best of luck in its efforts to return to excellence. The vital ingredient is pretty obvious, ie. excellent leadership must be seen to be done and not just being talked about.
It was a sad news to hear about the demise of an RMC trainee following the death of a PTD trainee undergoing a short commando course, Akhi. What's happening to the institutions responsible for training our future leaders now? Don't the leaders of these institutions see some of the shortcomings or abuses that had crept into the institution under their charge?
Were they selected on the basis of their merit and vision or on account of being the boss' favorite?
Clearly the country needs a panel of wise and highly qualified thinkers who are NOT POLITICIANS AND HAVE NO POLITICAL AMBITION to oversea and evaluate the various training and manpower development programs in this country. Perhaps the Senate should comprise of these people and not become a dumping place for ex-politicians and popular personalities without any real professional
expertise. Then we can have Senate Commitees that oversea the running of of the government from above the ministerial or even Cabinet level.
Dear Hal,
One rotten potato is not going to neutralise nor spoil the rest. I have hopes for the future.
,,,most unfortunate, but 'ragging' or rather bullying apparently is almost an built-in culture within the malaysian younger society. My very first taste of it was in TI Penang back in 1967 whereby a senior came into my room on the first night of my arrival and started pushing me against the wall. For looking back into his eyes, he got angry and started punching me !. Unfortunately for him there was a hocky stick lying at the corner of the room, which I utilised to defence myself with, resulting in a badly disfigured face.
,,,guess, that triggered my fight against bullies untill today. I really hate bullies in whatsoever form. Perhaps you might have notice it too, in my comments to some nutty individuals. hahaha.
,,,take care, my salute to you too !.
Dear Akhi Norzah, et al,
Your comment is indeed timely and relevant where manpower development has been bandied about as the key to our success in this globalised and highly competitive world.
Our PM is not only groping in the dark but he is utterly dismayed and ill-advised by the so-called experts on what direction to take in order to achieve the first world status. As such he is turning to foreign "quacks" who gave him quick fix solutions which further aggravates the problems of human development. Our own home-bred so-called experts in human development are also growing like mushrooms after the torrential rain but they add further confusion to the already chaotic scenario.
I think we should adopt what you suggest, ie. along the line of the various Senate Committees of the Upper House along the Congressional and Senate hearings of the US House of Representatives. Although our parliamentary democracy is based on the Whitehall tradition of the British legacy but we should be innovative and adopt the best practices of the world wherever they might have come from.
Brother Hank and Capt. Longhouse, we are now at the crossroads of a value crisis without realising that the generation and the digital divide is tearing the society apart. The "Bullying" and "Manhandling" activities is not only barbaric but uncivilised and we must stamp it from our public institutions without compromise. The Govt must show that it is serious in eliminating the deviant behaviour of the miscreants and punish the guilty without fail. If our society is to be saved from these savages, all citizens must combine forces and condemn those who think such activities are benefecial. Only sadists and perverts are in favour of "Bullying" and"Manhandling" as a tradition to be continued.
Just shut down the RMC the way it is.
After all there is already an Malaysian Armed Forces University that has been specially designed to garner leadership. These degreed future armed forces personnel can always take on civilian duties.
Check out West Point, Annapolis and the US Air Force Academy. These institutions have not only nurtured Army Generals, Admirals or Air Force Chiefs,they have also produced Presidents, Secretaries of State and numerous Cabinet Secretaries in the US Administration.
The Boys' Wing has already outlived its relevance. There is no need for anymore Rah! Rah! Rah!
I would agree with you with a proviso that another avenue for a feeder institution just like what is found in the US for those who aspire to join Westpoint, Annapolis and the AF Academy is set up. You just cannot emulate partially the model without seeing the linkages that grooms the right candidates for those iconic and respectable institutions which have upheld the finest traditions of the Nation which was born out of the American Revolution in 1776.
Dear Sir,
The feeder institutions that can provide the right material into the
Armed Forces University can be sourced from the other numerous boarding schools or the VIs, PFSs, St Johns, KGVs throughout the country. Which is what is being done now. These other boarding schools have been consistently outperforming the Budak Boys for over more than 3 decades. Even in sports. And when was the last time that the RMC ever produced any super athlete in the mould of Olympian Shaharudin Ali or hockey great Minarwan or Akbar Baba of national tennis fame?
And if you look at the past top Army, Navy or Air Force Generals, more than half are not from the that bunch of so called Budak Boys.
Of course it would have been nice also, had the nation's first astronaut been a Budak Boy. No, this fellow is from the MRSM.
It is simply not enough to be perpetually high, just because Tun Ling Leong Sik, TS Gnana.., TS Halim Ali, TS Sam Osman, TS Munir Majid etc. etc had been Budak Boys. Not to forget also yourself, Akbar Baba, Azzat, Hank etc. And are your kids in the Boys Wing to experience the greatness of the RMC?
There are other much lesser schools that have produced far more outstanding product...one that come to mind is Sultan Abdul Hamid College and Penang's Chung Ling.
And now we are told that those who do not survive the Armed Forces University, are quietly posted to the Cadet Wing of the RMC. And yet we like to beat our chest that we are the product of that hallowed hall, Dewan bla bla.
It is about time we get real.
My special thanks for your response and by the looks of your posting, you must be an ex-Budak Boy or the sibling of one, but that is immaterial.
It is being real that I am expressing the views that the RMC is still relevant and it is not a case of resting on their laurels that I did so. It is of course true that the College had seen better days and the luminaries of the millennium is not the sole monopoly of the RMC. The heyday of having Olympians and National level star players are just fond memories and that should not be the benchmark. The RMC had degenerated by default and not by design. It is just a micro cog in the country's wheel in human development. What comes out depends on what goes in. The quality and character of mentors and trainers and the leadership who hemmed the College in the last several decades had been really wanting. We could only be the best if the material that goes in is processed by the best practices. It is for this very reason that the OPA was involved in launching the much needed reforms in what is termed as " Return to Excellence" and perhaps you were part of the whole process. Somehow things did not happen as planned and this malaise is the disease spreads to the whole fabric of our society. We have plenty of talkers but very few doers and many just want to play to the gallery and only jump into the bandwagon if there is political mileage to reap. All this reflects the State of the Nation, of which those in the top hierarchy just refuse to accept. We deemed our country as amongst the most outstanding in this region because of our ability to dish out statistics of how well we are doing. But statistics can also lie. We are obsessed with meaningless and superfluous embellishments and iconic symbols which are just a mere show of dross. Now should we close down the RMC which is the only vestige left to be revived as the cauldron for excellence. Come on man, you too should get real!
Dear Sir,
Precisely. Isn't what I raised real?
well well well,(may i repeat it here too)
,,,we need to produce true blue blooded malaysian too from all the schools in our country not only from RMC please ?. It starts off with our own kids yaa !.
,,,unfortunately, when people live amidst injustice and conflicts, they tend to become insensitive to cruelty and eventually they may even perpetuate evil themselves !.
,,,My guess is that the senior's obsessive ragging missions outweighed everything else, even their conscience and moral laws.
,,,eeerrrmmm !!!Perhaps this explains why they become heartless plus willingly commiting such atrocities. THIS MUST COME TO A bloody STOP !!!!.
,,,to be relevant, WE as parents MUST relay this message loud and clear to our children plus ACT on it. No 'but but but' unless you want a bloody kick at the rear butts ?. hahaaaha ! Indeed, individual ACTION is what counts-lah and lets all be realitic about it.
...in fact, i help train youth at my island longhouse as part of their 'boot camp' but nil bullying allowed by anyone whatsoever. They TALK and I LISTEN to them plus learn lots from them too. hahaha yet getting paid while at it too.
eerrmm...win/win ?
Capt Longhouse,
Our views are not variance with one another. My point here is that the RMC is still relevant to human development in this beloved Nation and we should preserve its uniqueness since it is the only surviving instution which provides early initiation to a regimented life and its focus on character development apart from following the same curriculum as other secondary schools.
What needs to be done is to go back to the basics and the Governing Board must be accountable for all its shortcomings. I propose that a Governing Board which is answerable to the Prime Minister should be established so that any issue raised by the Board would get the attention of the highest authority of the land.
dear Sir,
,,,unfortunately, if you don't mind me saying this, our Prime Minister himself needs to be replaced by another trustworthy and respectable character with unwavering courage plus decisive. Someone who seeks responsibility and assumes full responsibility for consequences of his decisions and actions plus for those reporting directly under him.
,,,too many tip of the ice bulk cases are surfacing nowadays and yet only empty promises by our PM to rectify them.
,,,WHERE is the LEADERSHIP here ?. More killings and death ?. eerrmm even MURDER is taken very lightly...most frightening period, like having a Mafia Chief running the country-lah.
...WHAT is happening to our beloved nation ?. This nation we all helped build up together since 1957. I for sure will not allow it to slide down into the drain and will do whatsoever within my capacity to make it better. No matter what others may say, this is still my/our country to die for. The untimely demise of the poor kid in RMC should act as another "wake-up call" to all true Malaysian. We don't need another death/murder case please !
,,,WE have to ACT. Be creative and just DO something positive everyday to make the CHANGE in mindset and for value added ACTION.
,,,It starts within ONESELF too and its no laughing matter yaa.
Dear Capt Longhouse,
You have hammered the nail right into the coffin and it goes without saying. The fish rots from the head. But I am looking at the Chair rather than the person. One guy commented that if it happened across the causeway, he would not even dream to be the PM.
I have drummed into my children that the world does not owe them a living and they must live by their own merits. Undeserving blundering buffoons should not even be allowed to lead.
dear AHShah,
,,,great to find like minded plus level headed individuals in this moment and time of day but what makes me angry is that our politicians are all out to destroy the hard earned harmony btw races/religions that WE all have worked/fought for to make this nation great for our children and future generation.
,,,So much promises and carrots BUT nothing solid delivered for the benefit of the poor rakyat both in the rural and now also urban areas. So much "blame game" too, getting on the nerves of the innocent rakyat or perhaps not so innocent malaysians ?.
,,,its my way to express my feelings by talking/addressing straight out in the open. What is WRONG can't be politically right but politics being what it is, will twist things inside out.
,,,Generally, our present politicians are a bunch of criminals, headed by the PM himself, keeping a blind eyes to all the bloody nonsense that is indeed destroying the nation. In fact, he is just chicken shit !. No point explaining it further, most well read malaysian knows it.
,,,am no hero or trying to be one but what is happening right infront of our eyes is too painful to take sitting down, such my comments/write-ups to express my frustrations or perhaps as some advise for those in power/authority to take serious ACTION to address some of the crazy issues/incidents raised.
,,,in terms of ragging/bullying, i have actually tasted it while in boarding school plus also at Cadet Wing in RMC and unfortunately in the Airforce proper !. Many a times, i had to fight my way out of it, with my bear hands or something around that i could use to defend myself/juniors against such bullies. They are just gangsters in uniforms but 'one to one' they are just bloody cowards !.
,,,nowadays, i still meet road bullies too and crazy mat rempits that pisses me off. Once, i was nearly driven off the road by a road bully but fortunately he was caught in a jam, so i went across to demand an explaination/apology but was rudely challenged to a fight, which was a pleasure for me to oblige him !. Normally, i hate to be physical but if the situation demands it, am ever ready. A tooth for a tooth as my oldman taught me as a kid in Ipoh to survive in the rat race. Those that know me personally, knows what am talking about-lah. I don't just talk BUT will actually execute it. ACTION speaks better than words-lah. Some of those that ended up in hospitals, will never forget it too. Am not proud of it but guess some people deserves it.
,,,Am no robin hood either, just minding my own business but if pushed to a corner will fight it out without mercy/pity. Guess that's being meself...and am better off alone on my island hideaway home away from the crowd. (from a pilot to a pirate hahaha)
,,,Our local corrupted plus dirty politicians are a bunch of bullies too, from my eyes. WE have been bullied/cheated/conned by them. WHO the hell do they think they are ?...Dewarajas !!!
,,,We should teach them a bitter lesson in the coming GE 13 ?. Am apolitical but will not waste my voting rights. I will vote for the right individual tak kira party-lah.
"Bullies are out from my list."
Salam muhibah to all Malaysian.
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