The picture above is only one of the many hotels and resorts which dotted the Redang Island white sandy beaches, notwithstanding some budget chalets for the less privileged or adventurous visitors to the Jewel in Terengganu's crown. The recent announcement by the Mentri Besar that only 5 - star ratings accommodation would be allowed to be developed on the island in future, had invited unhappy comments from certain quarters who perhaps had never been on the island. I only stayed at the only 5-star resort available more than a decade ago in conjunction with Federal Heads of Department Meeting, and to be frank I found the place rather dull, maybe of much interest for those who love snorkeling and diving off the waters around the island, but I did not fall into that category. In fact I learned that although it was declared as one of the protected marine parks off the coast of Terengganu, a lot of undersea marine life had been destroyed probably by uncontrollable development which took place on the island and also lack of enforcement of the marine park by-laws and mostly by those irresponsible divers in search of marine life to be sold for profit. The announcement by the MB does not contribute much to ensure the preservation of marine life surrounding the island because pollution is one of the major factor which have killed the corals and reefs which at one time form the basic infrastructure to support the rich diversity of marine life surrounding the island. Once I heard a scathing remark from one of the owners of the resort there how the politicians of Terengganu are oblivious to the damage that was caused by their lack of concern in preserving the island for future generations and just thinking of dollars and cents. Similarly at one function which I attended where the former Sultan was the host, he spoke of how he told the Premier that the bounty which ALLAH S.W.T. had bestowed on Terengganu with the discovery of oil and gas was to benefit its people who had lived in poverty all along and as such it was befitting that the new found wealth should be enjoyed by all. However, if one were to visit places like Kuala Kemaman and other fishing villages straddling its coastline, the wisdom which came out of the Ruler's mouth is still waiting to be realised. So now with another Jewel in Terengganu's crown, the words of the former Sultan would still be ringing in many people's ears when ordinary mortals would be prevented from going to Redang island due to its declared intention of the State's MB to turn it as an exclusive playground for the rich and the famous.
Dear Hal,
As you had rightly said the main pull (maybe the only pull)is the marine life. To woo the tourist $ it must be matched with meeting their aspirations. There must be the right infrastructure and services in support.
It is not enough just providing 5 star service in the hotels and charging for same. 5 star service must also be apparent away from the hotels.
This is where support is sadly lacking.Tourists can't help but compare. Frustrations will not bring in repeat customers.
I certainly would not agree to have only 5 star hotels on an island unless it is only for the rich to bask in with the beauties of the day and to gamble away their fortune. There must be appropriate budget accommodation for all levels of tourists to draw them in throughout the year. 5 star hotels could become white elephants if the rich do not come when they are not in the mood for snorkeling.
Dear Akhi Norzah and Hank,
Thanks for the insight on my posting from you both. I am certainly motivated to keep the postings on stream with both of you giving me the feedback.
Unfortunately the same applies to Pulau Tioman, which ten years ago was cited as the most beautiful island in this part of the world. Despite the appeals made by MNS on the uncontrolled development on the western part of the island, they all fell on deaf ears. Greed seemed to override everything else in this mundane world and heritage is only equated with ringgit and sen.
Yang nyata Akhi, mesti ada orang besar interested baru sesuatu tempat tu dapat dimajukan. Langkawi maju kerana Tun Dr M. Paklah dulu tak peduli sangat kerana taksub dgn Islam Hadharinya. DS Najib belum tunjukkan minat apa-apa untuk bangunkan asset semulajadi negara dan sedang hebuh dengan 1 Malaysia serta NEMnya.
On a clear day, clear of haze on the water suface, I see this island from my house. The island is very beautiful from the memory of my last visit there - 30 YEARS ago. It occupied only by a group of fishermen, in a small village of their own, a small wodden jetty for their wooden perahus. I hired a boat to accommodate about ten of us, a family outing. We spent the night lying on mats on the sandy beach. We did nor see any visitors except the odd fishermen. That is my Pulau Redang, a virgin island before being molested.
Two weeks ago Three young persons from London were our house guests for a few days.They are in their mid/late twenties, one Malay, one Moroccan and one Iraqi, all born and raised in London, even the Malay speaks a few Malays words, in fact better at Arabic.
They went to P Redang for a couple of nights. On their return, among the first few comments was " services at London price!" It saddens me. So it is going to be a 5-star business. They already built Pulau Wan Man with its miniature mosques, a stadium with 'collapsible' roof, two universities of 'taraf antara bangsa' even before they were born.I am a Terengganu man through and through, and I sigh, being too old to be heard.
Pak Cik Hassan,
Nostalgia is the only forte for people like us. There are many places which have suffered in the name of development, not just the pristine islands, but you just name it, human beings have spoiled them, simply in the name of tourism ringgits, as if it can be our salvation in generations to come.
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