Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Ushering the Blessed Month

The month of Ramadhan will be coming in about a fortnight's time and as usual most of the mosques will be initially full of muslims who are doing their "Terawih" prayers but towards the end, the numbers will slowly get less and less.
Last night was the "Malam Nisfu Sya'ban" which means the night of the half of the month of Sya'ban in the Muslim calendar. It is normally welcomed by many believers in the Nusantara region by performing the reading of the Surah Yaasin and other prayers because Allah Almighty grants the wishes of those who pray during this particular night. Although some regard this practice as "Bidaah" or an addition, but it has been practised by those who are pious and religious in many parts of the Islamic world. What is important such a practice is not against the Shari'ah.
Many believers take the opportunity of fasting on the 15 of Sya'ban which falls on 05 July which is a Thursday. In fact the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed the non-obligatory fasting mainly in this month as the preparation for the holy month of Ramadhan. As believers we should prepare ourselves for the coming of this most Blessed month in the Muslim calendar by doing what was practised by Allah's messenger.


kaykuala said...

Dear Hal,
The time of the year when everything comes with boundless tests but boundless rewards. A revered month and just 2 weeks on. How nice!


abdulhalimshah said...

Dear Hank,
Let us pray to Allah that we could meet the Blessed month and perform our obligations to the most.

Al-Manar said...

I stopped popping over after getting disappointed to see nothing from you. As today is the frist day of fasting I come to wi9sh Selamat berpuasa. How nice to see onme posting.

Hope this is another new beginning Akhi Hal.

Selamat berpuasa dengan keluarga semua

abdulhalimshah said...

Dear Pak Cik,
I am so sorry that I had disappointed you with my dismal posting. I hope the month of Ramadhan will inspire me to write. I wish you and the family "Selamat mengerjakan ibadah Ramadhan dan semoga kita semua menambahkan takwa kepada Allah S.W.T."