Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Ipoh Mali

Many people is familiar with the slang which is given to the title above. It refers to the workers who sweat it out for money in exchange for their 'services'. So for the past several days the media in the country has been distracted from the economic gloom on the horizon to provide the " Wayang " from Ipoh.

But this time the timing is rather unfortunate. When everyone's attention should be focussed in providing solutions to the thousands of people losing their jobs, our leaders are being distracted with numbers which are bandied about by stupid idiots who should know better.

I am not fond of politicians but they are just court jesters who play the fiddle when Rome burns. We know that politics has no loyalty and they have neither true friends or mortal enemies. But it's insensible for the ordinary people who have to think where the food for the family is going to come from whereas at the same time a foolhardy idiot said he was promised RM 50 million to make the magic numbers work.

I pray that the Sultan of Perak being the fountain of wisdom will not fall prey to the vultures who are lurking behind his throne.

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