Monday, September 24, 2012


Haiku Heights -Day 25, P#184- Sleep.

Taken for granted

Until One is all deprived

Sound Sleep and Slumber

More than once suffered

I just could not reason why

Wide awake like Owl

More Precious than Food

Losing Weight was Terrible

Let it be no more

I experienced twice the in the past of not being able to sleep like I usually do. My doctor prescribed medication to enable me to sleep. But it made me feel terrible after waking up. I pray that such bouts of sleeplessness shall not occur in my whole lifetime because it takes a heavy toll on one's well being.


kaykuala said...

Dear Hal,
losing sleep takes a toll on our health. Not being able to sleep is just as bad. The trick apparently is to tire one self with exercises during the day. Sportsmen sleep like a log for that reason. Makes sense! Nicely!


abdulhalimshah said...

One may not realise that sleep is one of the greatest Blessing from Allah. You only value it once you have been deprived of it.
Normally I have no problem with sleep, but perhaps once in one's lifetime, a lesson had to be learnt how valuable and precious is the God-given Gift.