Saturday, September 07, 2013

Rainbow, Contemporary Poetry and Prose

The title is that of a book which is shown in the picture above, and the author, who is a very dear friend from the Class of '64 (Higher School Certificate year) in the former FMC (now RMC) whom we all called 'Hank' during College days and he was my housemate during my second year as an undergraduate at the University of Malaya.
                          Little did we all expect him to be an accomplished poet and writer at this stage of our lives, as we received the envelopes containing the complimentary copy during a dinner function for the Class of '64 on thursday 05 September 2013, hosted by one of our classmates. Today as I talked to Hamzah Pilus@ Hank over the phone, I congratulated him on the very well written poetry and prose which is a compilation of his writings and poems which appear on his blog entitled 'Rainbow'. As a fellow blogger, I have been constantly goaded by Hank to keep on writing 'haiku' as my interest in it went up and down. I am ever thankful for his companionship as a long time friend and keeping him company in blogosphere. If only Mr.P.D. Bond and Mr. Micheal Loh, our teachers who taught as poetry and English were still around, they would be extremely happy to see this book too, kudos to you, Hank. And May Allah bestow His Grace and Compassion as well as Blessings always. For those who are interested to read this well written piece can just get in touch with him through his blog by the same title, 'Rainbow'.


kaykuala said...

Dear Hal,
Thanks a lot, buddy!. As you've rightly said it's a compilation of blog postings. These are mainly those of the past 5 years from both of my blogs. It's ok for light reading! I'm glad you've found a niche in writing on Adat Perpatih. Intersperse with haiku, that's the trick to keep busy!


abdulhalimshah said...

You are most welcomed, Hank. Without you, I would not have been introduced as how to write one, and I owe you a lot on this particular piece of writing haikus.