Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ramadan O Ramadan

For many who are true Believers, the holy month of Ramadan signifies one of the greatest Blessings from ALLAH S.W.T. because the rewards of performing one of the obligations as required of each and every Muslim and Muslimat is very much awaited for in the Qamariah calendar.

For those who look forward to this month which is termed as Ramadan al-Mubarak it holds many significant promise as found in the Al-Quraan and the Traditions of our beloved Prophet (PBUH), but for many it is just another ritual which must be fulfilled. Nevertheless all believe that in this period of the year, we must perform one of the Pillars of Islam. But lo and behold! for those who do not perform the obligatory prayer for five times a day, their fasting is all a waste and all they get is ' Lapar dan Dahaga' which means they shall not benefit at all in terms of what ALLAH has promised.

It does not take a rocket scientist to know the benefits of fasting, because it gives the stomach a much needed rest at least once in a year and that is only during the day. However it still does it job during the night. And for those who perform the Terawih prayers after the solat isya' knows that it helps the digestive system to function better.

So let us do our best this Ramadan because one can never be sure of meeting the next Ramadan.


kaykuala said...

Dear Hal,
Rightly so. It is a month awaited for and it'll be gone in just fleeting moments. Do the needful to be aptly rewarded. Selamat Berpuasa!

Al-Manar said...

Dear Hal,
Ramadhan comes and Ramadhan goes. Hari Raya comes and Hari Raya goes.Little we remember that each of us has a fixed number of comes and goes. And we never know this coming one may be the last alloted to us. Let us not waste it.Wish 7ou nd family all the best and pray there will be more.Salaam

abdulhalimshah said...

Dear Pak Cik and Hank,
Thank you all for the greetings and wishes which only ALLAH S.W.T. may reward for the kind thoughts and actions performed in this Holy month which has no equal. We are at the twilight of our life and we can only supplicate for ALLAH's Mercies to meet another Ramadhan, InshaALLAH. Salam Ramadhan and I beg your forgiveness for all the interactions we had in cyberspace and outside. May ALLAH be our salvation come Doomsday.

norzah said...

Akhi Halimshah, kaifa haluka, rahmatallah alaik fi kullu syahri Ramadhana. Yes, this is a month of unlimited blessings from Allah when every 'amal' is rewarded many times over that performed in other months and when all the jins and syaitan are bound over. If the physical benefits of fasting have already been endorsed even by the medics, its spiritual implication goes beyond the limits of human understanding. My hope this year is to penetrate that limit and try to feel the pulse of the holy al-Quranreverberating in the recital of Allah's 'ayaat' by the imam during the usual prayers and the tarawih. I wish you, Akhi Hank, Akhi Al-Manar and
and all other friends and visitors to the blog 'selamat berpuasa'.

abdulhalimshah said...

Ya Akhi Norzah,
Na'am, pi kulli shahri Ramadhani wabarakah ala anta. Indeed you are blessed and may ALLAH S.W.T. bestow on you His Bounty and Mercies always.