Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Blessed Lailatul-Qadr

Since I was a child, I heard of many stories either oral or written about " Malam Lailatul-Qadar " which is deemed to be that special gift from ALLAH Almighty where His Mercies are bestowed during the holy month of Ramadhan worth a thousand month in the Hijrah Calendar to those who keep the vigil in the last ten nights of Ramadhan by performing voluntary prayers and supplication for the well being of the family and for parents who had passed away or are still alive. To me it's not so much whether one is fortunate to see the tree in front of your house bends it trunks as if in the position of prostration to ALLAH S.W.T. as what one can derive from the act of fasting of all the critical functions as sight, hearing, speech and movements of your limbs. The " Puasa Umum " as what I used to hear the religious teacher as saying is the most basic of all, merely refraining from consuming food and drink during the prohibited time of the day.But the more important aspect which touches on your wagging tongue spitting out profanity or watching what had been prohibited or listening to useless talk are given a Carter Blanche, without let up. In such circumstances,we are still in the dark about achieving the desired impact of the fast in the month of Ramadhan, and light years away from discovering " Lailatul- Qadr ", that precious night worth a thousand months of blessed rewards. According to the Ulamas, our Prophet Muhammad (PBU) will wake up all the members of his immediate family during the last ten nights of Ramadhan in order to follow his prayer together so that they will not miss that precious night full of blessings worth a thousand months. Those who merely think that it falls on the 27 night of the holy month would probably find it anyway, as long as we know that only ALLAH knows best. It's the quality of Muslims in the whole world which should be on the top of the World's Muslim hierarchy of values and this would be reflected on our conduct and ethics which separate the barbarians from the civilised society.


CZZ said...


Insya Allah may we touched and blessed by Allah SWT this holy month and all our hopes, wishes & prayers come true..

Selamat Hari Raya to you & Aunty sekeluarga.. doakan you both stay well selalu hendaknya..

We will be going to Kuantan this weekend and after that to Ipoh..


CZZ said...


May we be touched and blessed by Allah SWT..

abdulhalimshah said...

Waalaykumsalam and thanks for the Raya card and your well wishes. I supplicate to ALLAH S.W.T. that our Nation is guided by those who are competent and have the national interest superseding their parochialism and cronyism. Only then our national salvation will be assured, InshaALLAH.

Have a safe journey and extend our Salam to All.

kaykuala said...

Dear Hal,
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. May all things come yr way in the ensuing year.