Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Strength of Prayer

                                                  Invocation after prayer.

After a prayer

Recite an invocation

All is possible

As a Believer, a supplication to Allah Almighty after every daily prayer strengthens the Faith to face every trial and tribulation in life.


kaykuala said...

Dear Hal,
Amazing, just perfect! The Almighty lights the way. You are on your way!
April Heights is most opportune. Next step is a link to Haiku Heights and comments will come your way too! Great!


Al-Manar said...

I kind of tired coming round to see nothing. Now out of the blue you have returned sfresh. I am glad to see the lively mind active again.

abdulhalimshah said...

Dear Pakcik,
My apologies. I have not been updating my blog owing to my tardiness, and it is Hank who kept me on my toes by reminding me often.