It is a small village in the kecamatan of Tambusai, Kabupaten Rokan Hulu in the Province of Riau, Sumatra. During the Padri Wars of 1830's , Tuanku Tambusai (aka known as Fakeh Hj Muhammad Salleh ) fought the Dutch forces together with Imam Bonjol and Tuanku Rao in West Sumatra and in Northern Sumatra .The last defence was in Benteng 7 Lapis,Daludalu which fell in 1838. He escaped capture and came to Malaya. He was buried in Rasah in 1882.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Speedy Recovery Ustaz
On Monday 03 May 2010 I was informed by my former colleague who worked with me during my sojourn in Putrajaya that Ustaz Husin Ahamad who was at one time served with Legal Aid Bureau as the Deputy was in a bad shape after he collapsed when attending a meeting in Malacca. Being a Shar'iah Judge on the Apellate Court he is still serving as Judges serve until the age of 65. He endeared himself to all who worked with him owing to his cheerful disposition and I wondered how he had to keep his reserve while on the bench. I recalled that he presided on the case of "Harta Sepencarian " when the divorce of Datuk K took place upon him marrying Siti Nurhaliza, that celebrity singer. I reached his house at 12.45 pm and he had just moved in to Bangi barely six months ago. When I arrived he had just finished the massage session conducted by one of his kin who came all the way from Jeli in Kelantan. When I whispered to him that I came to visit him, he gave me a cry as he could not utter a word. We had been postponing many a time to keep a lunch date and here I managed to see him as a helpless patient whom the doctors said nothing could be done and ask his family to take him home. It is such a pity to see him in such a condition and fortunately all his family members rallied around him to help him to recover. I supplicate to ALLAH S.W.T. that Ustaz Husin will be able to recover speedily, IshaALLAH.
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Ya Akhi, my do'a for Ustz Husin Ahmad goes along with yours. So he has moved to Bangi and is no longer staying in Govt Quarters at Jalan Pegawai, You see he also has a house in Taman Melawati and often leads the prayer in our Madrasah Tarbiah, before becoming the Ketua Hakim. Mahkawam Syariah,
Inilah bukti kekuasaan Allah, hari ini kita sihat esok entah apa nasib yang menungg. I sendiri tiba-tiba kena slip disc dan sekarang kaku kanan terasa sakit dan numb. Disamping usaha mencari ubat, hanya Allah yang dapat mengembalikan kesihatn kita. Saya masih belum mempunyai peluang menziarahinya kerana tak tau alamat rumahnya.
Dear Hal,
I've not had the occasion to know Ustadz Husin Ahmad. By all accounts you seem to be close to him.
I pray dan doa agar Yang Maha Esa memberi kekuatan kepada Ustadz supaya beransur sihat dan pulih seterusnya.
Sdr Norzah,
A slip disc can turn out to be something serious. My nephew got it after rugby and had to go thru an operation, a process of physio n rehab.
Yours appear not to be that serious but good to arrest it in the early stages.
Ya Akhi Norzah,
It is indeed one of the Blessings that could not be measured by anything in accordance to our worldly possessions, ie. Good health.
Fortunately your slipped disc is not serious, otherwise you would have to go for physiotherapy.You must be careful not to have a fall. The new house of Ustaz Husin is in Section 7 of Bandar Baru Bangi, if I am not mistaken. Please call 019 2205512 and ask whoever answers his cellphone for the details. My former colleague drove me to his place, and I could not remember the address.
Thanks vm for the advice, Kk. Went to a clinic already and was given medications which seem to be working. But the pill for allergy and muscles seems to make one very sleepy. I hope the numbness in my left leg will go off, otherwise must go to hospital or see a specialist.
Dear Hank,
One of my greatest satisfaction during my government service just before I retired in the year 2000 was my association with those in the Departments where serving the needy was top priority, especially single mothers who had to sue for maintenance, and the Legal Aid Bureau was the only recourse where you need only pay RM2 to open a file.
The Pegawai Shar'iah whom I associated with were a dedicated and committed lot, and Ustaz Husin was an examplary officer. We shared the vision and mission to make delivery of our services to the target group our penultimate aim and well before Pak Lah's promise to deliver as the prime objective of his Administration.
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